Sunday, March 16, 2014

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Communicating  and Collaborating with Social Media

          This Chapter is about the various ways that teachers and students can use computers and social media technologies to share ideas and information. Text messaging, blogging, educational websites, and emails can benefit both teacher and students in and out of the classroom in various ways. I have experienced many classes where teachers used these forms of technology and they were very beneficial. Communication is very important to any successful classroom and technology makes it so much easier. Even in this class of Intro to Tech for Educators the technology you use is very beneficial. I've never used a blog before but this one really helps me understand the chapters and better organize all of the information given.

Focus Question: Understand how teachers can enhance communication and learning using websites and blogs.
          Elementary and Secondary teachers are using new and inexpensive and homegrown websites and blogs to teach and reach out to students.They have become part of the classroom at all grade levels and subject areas. There are two kinds of online sites that teachers create.
           The first is a class website. A class website is primarily devoted to the educational activities of a teacher and a classroom. This site provides information on the teacher and her achievements and interests but it also focuses on students work. A class website also provides information about homework assignments, dates for exams, and schedules of school events.
            The second type is a teaching blog. A teaching blog serves as an online journal where teachers post information and ideas related to education and learning. Many of these allow interactions between teachers and students and also provides important information for the class. 

Tech Tool: Communicating with Skype
          Skype provides free phone calls over the internet. It also provides video chat between two people on any computers with a webcam. Skype makes it possible for classroom teachers to create connections with other teachers, schools, and organizations worldwide. Skyping lets students learn about other people and cultures, practice their language and communication skills, and gain information about academic topics from experts and professionals in many fields.


1 comment:

  1. It is amazing the amount and diverse ways we communicate and connect these days, especially when we were much more limited even a couple of decades ago. With all of those types of communication, we still have people who need to know when to use certain types. At any rate, it is becoming part of the educational culture, as well, and teachers/students should be aware of their use. :)
    Please don't forget to add your resources (photos/text, etc) at the end of your posts for future.
